Community Advisory Board

Join the Community Advisory Board!

The SF CRS hosts the local Community Advisory Board (CAB) every three months for an educational seminar and luncheon. This also provides a forum for participants to give staff input about the study and develop comradery and support among their peers. If you are interested in getting involved in the CAB or have questions, contact [email protected].

See the CAB Corner page to find out more.

As part of the NHLBI Cooperative agreement, each MWCCS site selects a representative to participate on the National Community Advisory Board (NCAB). The purpose and mission of the NCAB is to provide the MWCCS community with relevant scientific, psychosocial and policy information regarding HIV-related topics to the national MWCCS agenda. NCAB members are involved in all levels of the MWCCS study, including participation on working group calls, attendance at in-person meetings with scientific investigators, and guidance on the validity and practicality of research studies. New study concepts, manuscripts, and protocol changes are reviewed by the NCAB members prior to implementation in the study. The NCAB develops strategies intended to encourage active participation in study visits and solicits feedback from participants about their research visits and healthcare priorities.